Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How to Create a Winning Product Page Design

about us page design

However, without a strong About Us page, you miss the opportunity to introduce your brand in a way that builds trust and loyalty with your visitors. Now you know everything you need to start creating your About Us page. From its components to the most important information you should have. It’s yet another touchpoint where your audience has a chance to know you better. Planning, whether it is product planning or website planning is the key to success for any business.

Components of an About Us page

If you have some, definitely showcase your past achievements or positive reviews. If others have trusted you in the past and were happy about the outcome, new customers are more likely to trust you themselves! Adding testimonials to your website will also help you build your credibility as a whole, and prove that what you are claiming is true. When telling your story it is important to consider your tone. Now, it's time for you to design a stylish and effective "about us" page. You only need a simple and easy-to-use prototyping tool to help you get it done.

What should an About Us or About Me page include?

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ASICS Official U.S. Site Running Shoes and Activewear ASICS.

Posted: Tue, 06 Sep 2016 07:20:42 GMT [source]

It’s not as difficult as you might think, and the payoff is worth it. When you do it well, you can simply rewrite your features as benefits, and you can fit a lot of persuasive information into the same bullet points. Because wrinkle-free clothing looks better, so you make a better impression on a date, at a job interview, at social gatherings, or at school. It also eliminates the need for ironing, saving time and hassle, freeing you up to do things you enjoy. Just listing “wrinkle-free” as a feature, but saying nothing more about it, won’t make an impression on most shoppers. What will the outcome be when someone purchases a particular product?

stellar examples of testimonials on a website

Select the block and open the Settings panel on the right-hand side. In this case, you can make changes to the number of products shown, the visible information, the order they display in, and more. Include your most important product information here, keeping in mind the tips we provided earlier. Discuss the primary benefits of the product and include anything that’s critical for shoppers to know to complete the buying process.

unique and engaging real-life examples of "about us" pages

Hydrant’s About Us page opens with an inviting image of two people toasting while holding the product in their hands. After reading the copy, one might guess that those hands belong to John and Jai, the company’s two founders. This is effective because it’s simple and straight to the point.

How To Create The Perfect ‘About Us’ Page (4 Tips)

The About Us page is a page that informs your readers about your company, its history, mission, and vision. It’s often used by companies to connect with their audience and show their authenticity through creative design and text. Red K Studio’s design for the Cambridge Learning Center site features their about us section on the homepage, with testimonials directly sourced from Google. This deliberate approach builds more credibility than typical quote-based testimonials (which a company or designer could theoretically make up). Swedish design team Folk’s about us page introduces each team member with a smiling black-and-white picture, a list of their roles at the company, and a friendly, authentic blurb.

about us page design

Call to Action (CTA)

No matter what approach you take, the goal of the about us page is to give visitors a better understanding of who you are and what you do. By including accurate and up-to-date information, you can help build trust and credibility with potential customers. At the end, the online language school includes the company’s story year by year, with its achievements along the way. There are no strict guidelines you should follow and no fixed structure for an About us page. However, there are some most commonly used sections that companies add to their pages. This includes your mission and vision, your history, the value your products or services provide, visuals, testimonials, and more.

Is your WordPress site slow?

A good About Us page can help you to build that kind of bond with new visitors. ARAK is a creative tile manufactory from western Austria, that specializes in hand-crafted products, which combine chaos and order. The company’s About Us page focuses on the team and the exact thing they do in the creation of the final product. Here we have a fun and playful experience all about a card game where you can choose your cards, shuffle and play or buy a physical deck. The About Us page offers a museum-style experience that explains the history of the game and the rules, with a fitting horizontal scrolling experience. In addition, About Us pages are an essential part of SEO marketing to find potential clients through web searches.

Further down, you’ll find four core values, how the business generates revenue, and more details about the team behind the scenes. Miro’s About page shares a short snippet about the company’s origin story. It perfectly explains the problems that nudged their founder, Andrey Khusid, to build the tool and how it’s achieving this purpose. Wild One does a great job of weaving the notion of “simplicity” throughout its copy and brand images.

about us page design

Learn from their successes and adapt some of their strategies when creating your own. While the four components listed above are necessary for every About Us page, different industries sometimes take different approaches. Let’s look at some of the components you need to include in your About Us page. With an About Us page, you can begin to form an emotional relationship with customers and engage with them on a deeper level.

At the top of the page, the Giphy team shares three short videos; one that introduces the brand, and then two others that have hilarious descriptions of how to text or make a GIF. Moz’s approach is interesting, because it explains in detail its whole backstory. It mentions all the different investments it’s received, the different ideas it’s tried, and how it eventually switched back to its original strategy. Moz isn’t afraid of being honest about the ups and downs that it’s faced, which makes it seem more trustworthy and transparent.

Master the fundamental concepts of web design, including typography, color theory, visual design, and so much more. These pages act as powerful tools, particularly for service and B2B businesses. They emphasize relationship-building — a key component more critical in these industries than in product-focused and B2C ones. Some companies have even found that jazzing up the copy on their about us page increases conversions. About us pages are an opportunity to connect with customers on a human level. These 6 about us page examples show how various businesses tell their stories.

It is an opportunity to tell your brand’s story, share your vision, history, values, and achievements, and introduce team members. I love the display of bold logos of top companies on the contact page, serving as social proof to potential customers. Testimonials are visible on the homepage on different colored backgrounds, standing out in clear fonts.

On its About Us page, Flexispot uses images and icons to share its history and authority in the ergonomic furniture space. Its visuals share its media presence, global influence, and key figures about its business. Your About Us page is what you use to sell your company’s mission and show the reader your heart and soul. It’s the page that showcases all your history, tells the world what makes you unique, describes your values and breaks down your purpose and what drives you. The primary objective of every About Us page is to let visitors know about their website just like LeadG2 did.

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